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Landscape Beds
Mulch and Rock Installations
Freshen up your landscape beds with a new layer of mulch or rock!
Mulch is installed at approximately 2-4". This not only gives the bed a fresh new look, but also helps to keep the weeds down by blocking them from receiving sunlight.
Need a new border around your landscape beds?
We give all of our clients' beds a natural edge, which they absolutely love! A natural edge looks amazing and also helps to retain the mulch in the bed, preventing it from being washed away by the rain.
Weed Removal
Whether you have a few weeds you want removed before fresh mulch gets installed, or you have a total infestation, we got you covered!
All weeds will be removed by the roots. We do not spray for weeds.
Landscape Bed Addition
Is the perimeter of your house looking dull with lack of detail? Have some new landscape beds installed!
We'll remove the sod, shape the beds, and give them a natural edge making sure they're even and straight all the way around!

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